
  • Chiropractic Principles

    When all of your body's inter-related systems, including your musculoskeletal, nervous and vascular systems are in balance and functioning properly, your body possesses a remarkable knack for healing itself. This state is called homeostasis. Stress, accidents, sports injuries, even overexertion, can

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  • Chiropractors and Chiropractic Care: An Overview

    Chiropractors diagnose and treat a broad range of physical conditions in patients with muscular, nervous, and skeletal problems, especially the spine. Chiropractors make use of conventional diagnostic tests, such as X-rays, MRIs, and lab work, as well as specific procedures that involve manipulation

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  • Common Myths

    In spite of its long recognition by the medical community and the government as a safe, proven, and effective treatment, many people today still have misconceptions about chiropractic care. Daniel David Palmer, who is known as the father of chiropractic, bore the brunt of criticism for creating this

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  • Disc Disorders

    Many of us are familiar with the terms "slipped disc" and "herniated disc." But few people outside the medical profession truly understand how critical their spinal discs are. Without discs, our vertebrae would grind against each other and our spines would collapse under the strain. A whole host of things

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  • Educational Requirements

    Education The educational requirements for chiropractors are similar to that of medical doctors. In general, chiropractors must complete four years of undergraduate study from one of the nation's 17 accredited chiropractic colleges. During the first two years of study, students receive classroom and

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  • Elbow Pain

    If you experience pain in your elbow, chances are very good it was incurred in an injury or physical activity, such as exercise or sports. Here's a look at some types of elbow pain: Golfer's elbow – A type of elbow pain that originates near the inside part of the bony protrusion. A tear or rupture

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  • Electrotherapy

    Because the body's nerves are electrical conductors, medical professionals have long held that stimulating nerve endings with small electrical currents can produce beneficial results. The theory behind electrotherapy as part of chiropractic care is that such stimulation to affected nerves and muscles

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  • Ergonomics

    Ergonomics is part science, part art. It involves choosing and working with devices that minimize or even eliminate undue strain on our joints and muscles. For those of us who work in an office (or a home office), we're confronted with many opportunities to work in conditions that place our spinal cord,

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